Admin Offices

2024-2025 YCCS Board of Directors

President Luis Alejandro Molina Alanis
Vice President Dr. Laura Ruth Johnson
Secretary Angela Gibson
Treasurer James E. Lyles
Senior Advisor Dr. Fabricio E. Balcazar
Richard Blackmon, Jr.
Christine Bowden
Dr. Jermaine G. Morales
Arthur P. Ward
Founding Members
Dr. Robert A. Saddler
Dr. Richard Stephenson
View the 2024-2025 YCCS Board Meeting Calendar

2024-2025 YCCS Board Meetings

June 26, 2025
May 29, 2025
April 24, 2025
March 27, 2025Notes
February 27, 2025Notes
January 30, 2025Notes
December 5, 2024Notes
October 31, 2024Notes
September 26, 2024Notes
August 29, 2024Notes
June 27, 2024Notes
May 30, 2024Notes
May 6, 2024Notes
April 25, 2024Rescheduled
March 28, 2024Notes
February 29, 2024Notes
January 25, 2024Notes
Register to Attend YCCS Board of Directors Meeting


Freedom of Information Requests

Youth Connection Charter School responds to public records requests under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5ILCS 140. The request must include the name of the requestor, contact information, and a description of the document(s) being sought.

Submit a request by mail or email to:
Crescent LaGroon
FOIA Officer
Youth Connection Charter School
10 W. 35th Street, Suite 11F4-2
Chicago, Il 60616


YCCS may charge fees reasonably calculated to reimburse its actual cost of postage or reproduction.
The first 50 pages of an FOIA response are free, and any additional pages are 15 cents a page.
For color copies or unusually sized copies, YCCS charges the actual cost of copying.

Documents may also be delivered by email at no charge and fees are waived for requests filed by
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