[heading2 title=”Teachers” pitch_text=”An overview of how we develop competency-based instruction and improve teaching practices.”]


[tab title=”Professional Development”]

A photo of a classroom at Truman Middle College

The workshops are a component of YCCS 3 + 1 Learning Framework model, which includes

  1. Multiple Pathways to Graduation
  2. Active/Hands-on Learning Applications
  3. Interventions for Struggling Students
  4. Post-secondary Learning

The purpose of the workshops is to build common strategies and language to support a student growth mindset and success after high school.



[tab title=”Strategies”]

A photo of Latino Youth High School Students

To help struggling students succeed at learning, YCCS teachers have identified a variety of effective tools.  They were identified during a year of action research.  The strategies address the YCCS Five Pillars of Intervention, which include Motivation, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary Development, Fluency, and Phonics and Decoding.



[tab title=”Outcomes”]

A photo of Truman Middle College Students

New Teaching for New Learning supports teachers’ efforts to close student achievement gaps, especially in the areas of literacy (the ability to read and write)  and numeracy (the ability to understand and work with numbers).  YCCS professional development models best teaching practices and empowers teachers with a better understanding of YCCS learning initiatives, including the YCCS Competency Based Education Model, which will roll out in 2018.  Students will have more voice and choice as they self-assess and set goals from feedback.


