History of Y.C.C.S
Y.C.C.S is Founded
Y.C.C.S is chartered by the state of Illinois in partnership with a consortium of 28 community-based youth serving organizations in the city of Chicago. One organizational board of directors is formed to provide governance and oversight to all 28 campuses as one charter school.
1,200 Enrolled
A rigorous unified school infrastructure is established. An accountability framework for policies and procedures is developed and implemented.
1,336 graduated
The Y.C.C.S Board implements a number of innovative programmatic initiatives, including our Math and Science Academies and Enrichment Academies. The Board and staff rededicate the organization to meet the challenge in achieving high standards and high graduation rates outcomes for our students. A research component is integrated into Y.C.C.S to gather and analyze data.
Paradigm Shift in Philosophy and Strategy
The Chicago City Council and Mayor Daley publicly recognize Y.C.C.S, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, for our achievements in serving Chicago’s at-risk youth. We move from credit-based graduation criteria to standards-based graduation criteria, closing the achievement gap and focusing on college graduation as the end goal for our students. Our charter is renewed for a second five-year contract with 25 campuses.
2,500 Enrolled
Y.C.C.S implements Quality School Measures, and develops and provides occupational skill training on-site on one of our campuses. Youth Connection Leadership Academy opens as the first campus directly operated by Y.C.C.S.
5,927 Cumulative Graduates
Y.C.C.S is a leader in the development of a state-wide task force on Growth Models for high schools serving at-risk youth. Y.C.C.S is appointed as a member of the Illinois Task Force on Growth Models, focusing on innovative approaches in re-enrolling and engaging students who dropped out of high school.
Charter Renewed for the Third Time
Our charter is renewed for third consecutive five- year contract with 21 campuses. Y.C.C.S implements an essential skills educational framework, integrating core design elements into our curricula.
New Virtual High School
Y.C.C.S opens a brick and mortar campus offering online education for students who are under-credited and over-aged.
3,525 Enrolled
Y.C.C.S opens a second direct Y.C.C.S-operated Campus.
Charter Renewed for the Fourth Time
Our charter is renewed for another five year contract with 20 campuses. We achieve a Level-One rating on the C.P.S S.Q.R.P.
YCCS Campuses Earn Top Performance
Y.C.C.S performs at a Level-One rating on the C.P.S S.Q.R.P rating for the second consecutive year.